Redis graphical memory card
This is a Redis graphical memory card that I put together and created myself that includes the following:
- Data Structure Overview
- String
- String: Distributed Lock
- String: Distributed ID Generator
- List
- List: Safety Queue
- List: Recurring Queue
- List: Latest Products
- List: Recently Visited Page
- Set
- Set: Retention Rate
- Zset
- Zset: Sliding Time Window
- Zset: Seconds Time task
- Zset: Count Last N Minutes Login Users
- Zset: Count Top N Views
- Zset: People Nearby
- Bitmap
- Bitmap: Count Check-in Activity
- Hash
- Bloom Filter
- Hyperloglog: Massive Data Deplication Counting
- Redis Protocol: Gossip
- Pipeline vs Multi + Exec
- Keys vs Scan
- Manual Deletion Stratery: Periodic Deletion
- Manual Deletion Stratery: Inert Deletion
- Persistence Method: RDB Snapshot
- Persistence Method: AOF Logging
- Persistence Method: Hybrid Persistence
- High Availability: Hot Key
- High Availability: Cache Hit
- High Availability: Cache Avalanche
- High Availablility Architecture: Master - Slave
- High Availablility Architecture: Sentinel
- High Availablility Architecture: Clustering
- Module: Redis-Cell
It's not very deep, but it'll get you up to speed on most of what you need to know about Redis.
2.78 MB
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